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I've bought a lot of items from Knock Knock in the past. This place is full of novelty items that are fun and completely useless, such as pre-printed post-it notes that start with "Just Thought You Should Know: (checkboxes for something smells, this sucks, check your teeth, you're too loud, everybody knows, you rock) and a space to elaborate". There are other things like large checklists for beer rating, paper voodoo pads, labeled file folders (to check off whether it is something to be done "in the near future, when I feel like it, against my will, by somebody else or never"), slang flashcards, etc. Completely useless but a lot of fun to have around in case the occasion arises that you might need to give your boyfriend a "things you must do to make me happy" checklist. The website gives free shipping on orders over $50 and is completely reliable.

Date of experience: August 5, 2009