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As the MPAA continues to relax its ratings, content in motion pictures that would have once seemed controversial is now quite commonplace. While not a big problem for adults, it can be difficult to tell which movies are really suitable for children. I have often watched a PG-13 movie and been a little surprised by the amount of profanity and action on the screen.

Kids in Mind is a neat movie review site which allows adults to rate how appropriate a film is for children. With a strong focus on current box office offerings, it rates films on the three dimensions of sex, profanity, and violence, and even lists in great detail the instances of each category to explain the ratings. It also describes the overall message conveyed by the movie and what lessons a child will come away with from watching it.

Many may find this information excessive or unnecessary, but I think it's a great resource for parents who do care about what their children are exposed to these days.

Date of experience: April 8, 2010