There are a lot of very malicious and rude people on here with no social skills and are inept, they will leave crass and rude comments to users, and once you report them you receive a warning that you are harassing and bullying and misusing the report tool. It is a cesspool of men wanting to sext and take you off the platform within minutes of exchanging messages. The majority of users are only using the app primarily for an ego boost or have some sort of sick personality disorder and will try to invade your privacy. A lot of fake photos and ill intentions and out of the users you may find some genuine people but it takes time. It is difficult to find people that want to learn a language and like all the previous reviews has turned into a scam and dating site for married men and those seeking a VISA.
I was a member of interpals for years until recently when my profile was removed as "suspicious activity" was detected on my account. I can only think this is because I reported numerous scammers, mostly the same one who was creating multiple profiles daily. I have tried re-registering, but keep getting booted. However, many of the fake profiles are allowed to operate freely! This site has deteriorated and it's now near impossible to meet anyone genuine. You are constantly bombarded by scammers from Nigeria/Ghana or boys in North Africa looking for vulnerable older women to get them a visa to a western country. Don't waste your time registering. Just give the whole $#*!show a miss!
Site appears ok except useless moderation team. Must be women having change of life, depends on the day. Query is " Sorry, this user's privacy settings do not allow you to contact them. " Age in range as is status. Explain to me please how this works, warning - frivolous requests to moderator. Send email so leaves time, another warning, even if months later. But still no answer.
Some scammers here but been on many free sites so easy to identify. Found a few friends & chat often with them. Trying language exchange.
Horrible looking website that looks like it is stuck in 1995 - and for the most part, full of scammers, children, wannabe nude models, and the rudest people I've ever met - one felt the need to write a terse one sentence message saying "b***h, we have nothing in common," all because I 'dared' to contact her.
Don't waste your time. You'll never find a penpal here. I tried, oh, how I tried. At most, you'll get someone to write you a two or three sentence message once or twice before they nope out on you. Weird thing though, is that you can see when you go to your 'home page' that those same people are repeatedly viewing your profile even though they ghosted you.
I have used interpals on and off for 5 years. Becoming savvy at blocking the scammers, money demanders the outright abusive. Generally found the site lacking the qualities it states it has, there are almost no people genuinely seeking long term friendship, it is more like a revolving door of people constantly coming and going.
The worst part is the lack of moderation when needed with abusive, threatening and other wise nasty people, then my own account after 5 years of good correspondence was shut down for "suspicious activity"? Are you kidding, what a totally bad site.
I reported a lot of clearly scam profiles, which appear again and again and again, with the same stolen pictures and pathetic descriptions copied from the internet. And today I got a warning message that I use a reporting tool in manner which is frivolous or unfounded and my account can be deleted . Well, just wanted to be helpful but looks that they prefer having scammers on their site rather than normal people who wanted to help in clearing the site of this fraudulent stuff. Really discouraging and irritating. Only the fact that I correspond with a very nice guy there prevented me from deleting my profile immediately because such an attitude of admins is simply offensive. I think I will exchange email addresses with him and leave this cesspit.
This site is supposed to be a place to meet people for the purpose of becoming pen pals with others. In fact, it's a platform for global terrorists to raise money to fund their terrorist cowardly actions of purchasing missiles and rockets to attack unarmed defenseless cargo ships in order to disrupt world trade. Try treat this site like a pseudo-hook up site. They want to raid people's bank accounts, including credit cards. And the site owners and administrators do nothing about it. I'm fact, they're the ones that created this ugly mess in the first place.
I was banned for 'spamming' a few days ago and have been trying to contact the support and find out exactly what part of the only message that I'd sent there in the last two weeks of my account's existence was classified as 'spam' (it was a short message in which I asked whether the person X wants to practice the language Y1 with me in exchange for the language Y2). Unfortunately, the only reply I could get from support is:
'Your account was deleted for sending spam messages. That is against our terms of service.' - no further details.
I have decided to let it be, let this mark the end of my more than 10 years long Interpals journey. The website has changed a lot in the last years anyway - it is quite hard to find anyone for the language exchange, and I've got a feeling that half of the profiles there are fake (and most of the rest use it as a dating website).
Good bye, Interpals.
Russians on this site are very aggressive, showing open support for putin and his war. No one can say anything to them, because the interpals management deletes the accounts of anyone who resists the russians!
It's perfectly true - if you say anything against any russian supporting the war on Interpals, no matter how politely, your account is instantly deleted.
It is amazing that hundreds of scammers proliferate on interpals, trying to take advantage of users - these scammers' accounts are not deleted. But the accounts of anyone who speaks in favour of the ukrainian people are!
Mostly disgusting married men looking for dumb girls to have online affairs with. Men in their 40s and older flirting and talking sexually with girls as young as 13 (although to be fair the 13 year old "girls" are probably 40 year old perverts too) Scammers galore with men using women to get visas (especially to the UK) most try to get you off IP and straight onto whatsapp or email etc. Avoid.
Answer: You are not alone... a bunch of incompetent mods are there who are highly biased. This is while women have been given free hand to misuse "Report" button. If you don't agree with them you get a ban/flag! has a rating of 1.8 stars from 140 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with most frequently mention fake profiles, language exchange and genuine people. ranks 363rd among Forum sites.