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The site had a great choice of hypnosis sessions available and I successfully used it to lose weight. I downloaded a few other sessions but haven't used them yet. The music was really helpful for induction. Recommended.

Date of experience: May 26, 2022
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Follow Baron R.
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These people have the absolute BEST hypnosis scripts on the internet! This, I am told, is because they are stolen from the best hypnotists available on the internet! Wendi Friesen has successfully sued them (as much as she is able, they are a shellgame of corporations making full prosecution impossible.) Also, their recordings advertise that if you report a site that is offering their products for download you can report them and get a free download. This is a lie! By reporting the site you are basically admitting that you downloaded an illegal torrent.

Date of experience: March 8, 2011
Sri Lanka
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I have purchased two hypnotherapies from, and they email me download links but they are not working (unable to download) so I have reported this problem but they haven't replied me yet my ORDER NUMBER: U**********. Never buy products from this site, they took my money and laugh at me.

Date of experience: August 22, 2018