Insurance Information Institute

Insurance Information Institute

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I hardly recommend for insurance to every person this will give you lots of benifits on surely base. This help at the time of trouble

Date of experience: October 2, 2019
34 reviews
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The fact is that any insurance company will sell you what you want for insurance. If the insurance company tells you what you need, consider all the law suits that happen with car accidents. Do you really have enough insurance? The best way to keep all insurance companies honest is to get 3 quotes. Make sure your quotes are comparing apples to apples. Insurance companies make this almost impossible to do. The one way you can make sure that you can compare apples to apples is tell them to quote the following way.
1. Separate all vehicles and homes.
2. Tell them to quote a monthly payment for each one. This is how you get a honest comparison.
3. Also, make sure that you are giving the same limits on all of the things like deductibles and policy limits. This is really important!
4. Also, you have to ask them what percentage of damage to your car do they consider the car totaled. You will find the cheaper companies percentage of damage repair to car value will be a lesser percentage than the better companies (The better companies pay up to 90% of the value of the car to repair it). This is because they can sell the totaled car in auctions that car dealers will buy cars from. This money helps to offset their out of pocket. So, the sooner they can total your car the more money they get. Remember a totaled car can usually be repaired and sold again. Crazy huh?
5. Make sure to include any monthly fees in your quotes.
6.In some cases you have to join a membership.
Side note: Also, what is their policy around totaling your car. Typically they will give you the option of buying the car from them. This is not prudent. So, be careful about this one.

Date of experience: January 6, 2021