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Paul C.
80 reviews
146 helpful votes
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Finally realized that this site is not that great anymore. They removed Mybb (my favorite forum hosting) site from their database. Not only that, but everytime I try to edit one of my reviews, I get this error: "An error was encountered while attempting to update your review. Please try again." Because of that error, I have to contact them everytime now. Not only that, but I even contacted them about the error. I got a response saying the problem could not be found. What the ****?! They have to know about that glitch. And I tried to register on the forums and post a thread about that glitch, but they disabled registrations. I even contacted them about enabling registrations on their forums, but they said they shut them down. They look fine to me. Because of that, I give this site 1 star now. That's about it.

Date of experience: January 5, 2014