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May 14, 2019

Water may contain dirt, minerals, chemicals and other impurities that impair its smell and taste. Some of these pollutants can put your health at risk, especially if they include microscopic organisms and bacteria that can cause serious diseases. Filtering water can help purify water by removing these impurities and making it safe to drink, while often improving its taste.
Most municipal water utilities use chlorine to clean drinking water, because it is inexpensive, easy to use, and very effective in killing many of the bacteria found in the water. This can also eliminate some viruses. Although it is a good disinfectant, chlorine can cause an unpleasant odor and taste of drinking water, and can also react with some metals to form hazardous compounds. An activated carbon filter removes the smell of chlorine and the taste of water.
When ingested, lead is toxic, so it must be removed from drinking water. Lead usually gets into the drinking water when it seeps into the plumbing from old plumbing pipes or solder, which is used to connect them. It can be removed from the water through reverse osmosis filters, distillation and carbon filters specifically designed for the removal of metal. If you rely on well water, medical facilities recommend checking your well at least once a year for lead and other pollutants.
Removal of pesticides and chemicals
Until the 1940s, the most common pesticides contained heavy metals that were not easily dissolved in water, but today the pesticide residue in drinking water may increase, since modern organic pesticides are water soluble and can easily get into the water supply. Activated carbon filters can remove pesticides and volatile organic compounds from drinking water.
Filters for drinking water provide its purification and improvement of taste. To filter to the level of drinking water is supplied after the preliminary preparation in a centralized or stand-alone cleaning system. Additional cleaning has a complex effect on the composition of water, clearing it of the main varieties of harmful impurities.

Date of experience: May 13, 2019