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Baby Food Never Arrives - Unreliable Service
September 27, 2022

I relied on this company for my baby's food each week. After 2 consecutive weeks of non-delivery, I became really frustrated. I had to carve out time in my busy schedule to go to the store and buy baby food because I had nothing to feed my child. It wasn't the first time either. Multiple times, Yumi said that my order shipped when it actually never did, I would receive wrong baby food jars or missing baby food jars and even one time, a box arrived 1.5 weeks late and the food was warm and had mold growing on it. I've had a such a horrible experience relying on this company that I finally canceled my subscription.
I tried emailing, calling and chatting on their website with no luck. If and when someone responded, it was the same canned response over and over again.
I need a baby food subscription company that takes the needs of my baby's nutrition seriously and is reliable. I can't continue ordering from a company that doesn't fulfill their subscriptions, continuously sends wrong food and lies about when the food will arrive, among other things.
Please be careful with this company. Their customer service is horrible and there will be many times when your baby's food just won't arrive and you will be left rummaging through the fridge trying to find something to feed your hungry child.

Date of experience: September 26, 2022