I bought these vitamins after witnessing good reviews on all major websites: Amazon, ebay, etsy, even Trustpilot. However, a small research on the names of the reviewers made it clear to me that the reviews are fake and lies. First, most of them live in india or United States. The place is based in London, second most of them are around end of April start of May when this company started, what a coincidence, to promote these vitamins. Needless to mention that after one month use I have notices very little difference, still unclear to me if it is placebo. Check for yourselves and be more skeptical on rave reviews.
After seeing positive results from my first bottle purchase, I decided to buy a pack of 3 bottles. The results have been awesome as I have fuller, thicker hair. To think that just taking capsules alone and not applying some magical hair cream would do the trick is all the more positive. I am on my third bottle now all together and I know that the positive results will continue. It's so good to know that the results are going to be from natural ingredients and will be permanent and not from adding some funny chemical to my hair and scalp.