This by far the best company I have came across in a while. I'm one of those people that are so afraid to buy anything online it scares me. Hairplayground is the one to rock with when it comes to buying hair. You won't be disappointed believe me!
I absolutely love how you all give the opportunity to win free hair. It's no better way of assuring those that you have the best quality hair than allowing them to see and try for themselves. It makes me feel great in hoping that I become one of those lucky winners
The survey questions were very simple. Question #1 was my favorite. Getting my hair done makes me feel amazing inside & out. I can't wait to experience the hair from! It will be an early Christmas/birthday gift to me! I will definately let my friends & family know about their deals and prices! Also customer service was very helpful and respectful.
They look and feel so soft! I Bought Body wave 20'22'24" iLiterally got my tracking the next hour! Man that was Fast! I love the high quality for that price! Seriously going to purchase with this company for a long time!
The surgery was quick and easy and has relatable questions. As I am from the uk they supported me as I could not text them. Instead they gave me their email. I was very happy about this because I could participate.
Love this Company Hairplayground! Our purchase only high end hair! I bought there Elite for $140 each bundle Full Thick and Pretty! Then I purchased a Cambodian Deep wave Wig! Beauty beyond words! Thank you Hairplayground!
I'm so in love with your hair. This is the best hair I have ever had and trust me, I've brought bad hair. The hair is nice and thick, minimal shedding. I achieved different looks, wand curls. Flexible rods, natural state (Brazilian wave), straighten, and pin curls. I even ordered more bundles and made a wig. My cousin love how natural the hair looks on me that she started ordering the hair and she wore it on the show "face off."Continue providing great hair and I will continue being a loyal customer.
They have great quality hair, great customer service, always have good deals on bundles, very affordable price and you get your money worth while, quick shipping, hair doesn't shed at all or have a funny smell or anything like that. I'll definitely order from them again!
Their customer service is unacceptable. I ordered from them twice and on the second order the Representative got the order wrong and they refused to take responsibility for the mistake. Even after I sent them proof. Their argument was that I should have reviewed the invoice before I paid. Lesson well learned. And don't ever, ever pay them with your credit card directly. Paypal is our only recourse for their "All sales are final" bit
I paid $150 for some raggedy tracks. They are fraud and need to be shut down. They selling some sample track for the price of whole bundles. Then the customer people are so rude. In the picture below is exactly what they sent me. What am I suppose to do with that. They need to be reported.
HairPlayground has a rating of 4.3 stars from 134 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with HairPlayground most frequently mention and customer service. HairPlayground ranks 5th among Hair Extensions sites.
Hello my name is Paul. I work for the Executive Office of Hairplayground. After Investigation of this Customer Alexandria Horn. We have to say the above rant about our Customer Service is Wrong. Alexandria Horn has ordered several times from us. We are her go to person for 100% Virgin Authentic Real Hair. Alexandria Horn is fully aware of our Customer Service that is why she continues to come back.
Every representative is Highly Trained. After we send out a invoice for the Customer to pay. In this Case Alexandria Horn, We simply ask the customer to "Please Check the Invoice then Click Pay" That means to click View on your invoice and check if everything is ok on your invoice then click Pay. Once you Pay you agree that everything is Correct.
Alexandria never was detailed about the texture of hair she would like for a closure. The majority of her order was deep wave. Therefore we sent the closure as Deep wave as well to match the rest of her order. We ask Alexandria Horn to then please Check the invoice then click Pay. Alexandria horn did. Agreeing that everything was right. Even the closure with no texture.
We then shipped out all products to her Fast. She then said that she received deep wave for her order. When she wanted body wave. As we said prior we asked her to please check the invoice then click Pay prior paying. She paid and agreed that everything on the invoice was correct. Now shes claiming something is wrong.
We accommodated her even though it was her clear mistake after viewing the invoice and accepting it by paying that everything is correct.
We offered her $42 off any 3 Bundles Plus!
Below is the email of Alexandria Admitting that she was wrong, and that we were right.
Horn, Alexandria R
To me
"I re-accessed the original email from Janett and yes you are correct. The invoice was at the bottom of the email, which I missed (assuming the order would be correct) "
As you see she admits we were right and clearly she was wrong. Making this above review of our Company Incorrect and a total Lie.
Please do not take her review into consideration. It is not only false but slanderous. And we are still investigating her case on this, because of her publicly stating lies about our Company in intent to hurt our Company. When she clearly said in email we are right.
Alexandria Horn Finished the email to us above by stating this below:
Horn, Alexandria R
To me
"In closing, I love your product"
She not only agreed we was right, but as well stated she Loves our Products. Clearly this does not sound like a customer in distraught. We will not stand by this Slander of our Company. And will see that this is dealt with Professionally
Our Business is the #1 Selling in 100% Virgin Hair! We are Exceed in Customer Service and Product Value! Our Customer Service is Award Winning! For the Best 100% Virgin hair and anything pertaining to hair. Order at
"You Play! We will Provide The Beauty!
Thank You! Best Regards
Paul- Hairplayground Executive Office of The CEO