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You will age. There are some people who age more gracefully than others. By reading this article, you will discover advice and tips to aid you in feeling youthful as long as you possibly can.

To slow down the aging process, do some aerobic exercise everyday mixed with occasional light weight training. Numerous scientific studies have shown that exercise improves muscle strength, stamina, bone density and balance. As these four things deteriorate with age, regular exercise could help keep your body in good condition well into your 80s and beyond.

Have your hormone levels checked regularly as you age. You will want to have your doctor run standardized tests to be sure that your levels are where they should be. Taking hormone replacement or supplements may be the fix to the way that you have been feeling if you have been feeling bad.

When you get older, it is important to know who you are and what you like. When you focus on what you like, and keep things around you positive, you accent the good things you have going in your life, and will not allow any negative emotions or situations to bring you down.

As you get older, it's more important than ever to surround yourself with people that make you happy, lift you up and do not bring you down. This can be accomplished by having a nice family dinner where everyone is involved or sharing good times and good memories with your favorite people.

Stop multitasking! Your mind cannot function the way that it once did. You will find it easier and far less stressful if you do not try to accomplish as many things at once. Avoiding stress is important as you get older to avoid doing damage to your heart and your body.

If you have read the advice that was given here, you will be armed with the knowledge you need to stall the aging process. Have fun and keep your youth as long as you can!

Date of experience: February 24, 2019