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This is not a client of us. He has been trying to sell products to us which we do not accept! Our company and website was setup at the beginning of 2020.

On the 5th of May 2020 this person mailed a list of items.
We responded directly with:
"We don't sell the items you list and therefore can't evaluate them.
You can find our selection of products on our website."

On the 10th of May this person responded: "Thank you for your response."

We can always buy back items from REAL clients if these are products we can sell.
We never heard back from this person after the 10th of May except for this review, which is completely out of order! It doesn't state the true sequence of events and is made up out of pure lies.

Perhaps ask us and this person about our email conversations. Keeping posts like this up is assisting in defamation.

Date of experience: August 31, 2021