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I bought a 2012 GT185 for full pop, it was fully wrapped from factory when i purchased it, seen the show room model and was told it was the same boat under the wrap. This was my first new boat purchase. Took it to the lake and it ran well when i took it out of the water another person asked what happened to my gel coat, when i looked it was spider cracked all the way through the black portion all over the boat. I contacted the dealer and they then took the boat to spider works for repair, got it back 1.5 mths later only to see the crappy work they did, (painted over the vin #) as well as overspray everywhere, sent it back 2 weeks later i got it back in time to winterize. First trip out, the service team popped the fuse from arcing the battery upon winterizing it. Dead in the water, they denied it and i had to pay for the repairs, i got it running and the horn did not work and when backing it up the reverse brake solonoid would not engage, so i always had to put the lock out pin to reverse. I needed to repair a flat on the trailer so i jacked it up and removed the spare only to see the spare was a 4 bolt pateren and the trailer was a 5 bolt!. Ive contacted Glastron on multiple occasions, they replaced the spare. Also after the first use the sun warped the glove box lid and was never fixed even after the 3rd lid. After 25hrs run time i noticed the trailer tires were cupping, so i took it to artic trailer repair and the documented that the u bold shackles were not ever loosened up so the tires were towed in, this also caused the wheel seals to leak, ($450 repair) and of course not covered again! This was the worst experience ever purchasing a "new boat", will never go back to this manufacturer and have told over 1000 people to do the same. Horrible service from the start between the rainbow marine and barry j's service all the way to manufacturer. Dont put yourself through it! Alot better boats out there, price is not everything.

Date of experience: October 6, 2016