GameSpot's reviews are by far, the worst gaming reviews ever! Majority of their ratings are way beyond what I would gave them. Not only that, but then I had so many accounts that went straight to pending for review. After reviewed, they were banned. I wrote my reviews on that site, but they constantly deleted them for no substance, which means not a review. I wrote them by the good and the bad. Bull ****! That is no reason to delete them. That's about it.
I use to have good memories of this company however what goodwill i ever had for the company was wiped out by their official website being modded by a ban bot no one actually works here the mods just post pictures on their wall im not going to buy from this company again at least until they hire people that actually work
I do visit this site, but only for the latest news in gaming. The reviews are basically a hit-or-miss. While some games are done properly, others are either done by people who didn't play the game for long or have their reviews rigged because of ad revenue or because of a popular franchise (like Call of Duty, which has long become a dead horse). I remember when one reviewer got fired for his review of Kane And Lynch: Dead Men due to the site having the ability to use skins containing characters from the game? At least the site supports fan reviews from people who register to the site just to show their opinions. Never tried their membership, and never will after reading another review. This site is okay, just don't take the reviews seriously.
Why would you let me waste my extremely valuable time creating an account for your site just to ban me before I get a chance to use it? Terrible admins/site owner. I do not recommend this website to anyone, nor will I ever.
Poor journalism that they're not even gamers. I bet those jerk money lovers love Call of Duty too much, they put CryEngine and Unreal Engine in a weak spot. I dunno, so why should I give a hell what they review for? They don't even like most games from Japan and Italy either.
They sold me an online code for Costco membership that did not work. I immediately contacted them asking for a refund, they refused it saying I had already activated the code. Yeah, duh, I activated and the code provided was not functioning. Customer service sucks. They kept my $. Will never buy from them again and hope no one else does.
This used to be a good place to go for gaming news and reviews. I used to go to tje site everyday. I stoped going all together around 3 years ago because the articles were less ans less on gaming news and more and more on movie and tv show news. Reviews went from great to horendous. Done by people who did not play the games (thos was obvious from what was said in the reviews vs what was in the game)and by people who did not play video games (non gamers). I decided to go see if things had gotten better since my last visit. Gaming news seems to take second place now to all other forms of entertainment. Seems like game news is now just filler. Better do what I do. Use youtube for gaming reviews and news. You will get honest information by passionate gamers!
Never received ordered merchandise - although the check was cashed. There is no way to contact web-site. Have been trying to get an answer through the company (different name) that cashed monies
It's just about the games which I like, other sites like IGN focus too much on movies and TV shows which I'm not interested in. Only games for me. This site is pretty good.
Professional and reliable news and reviews. Tons of new content to read and watch every day. Even a hardcore gamer like me can find their news interesting.