Vertrouw deze $#*!-site niet meer als je een opnameverzoek hebt ingediend. Ze zullen je onmiddellijk verbannen. Probeer te voorkomen dat u door deze site wordt opgelicht. Ik heb onlangs een doorbraak bereikt in mijn herstel nadat ik ze had gemeld bij een instantie die daadwerkelijk hun werk doet. Mijn verlies- en opnameproblemen werden opgelost en mijn geld werd teruggegeven. Mijn e-mail staat op mijn profiel. Schrijf mij. Ik ben bereid om nuttige tips over mijn procedures te delen.
The website seemed amazing at first. You complete some small, meager task and receive your small meager reward. Surveys paying a couple hundred coins, videos for a half of a coin (Coins are worth $0.001 USD each). Cash outs take a day or two. That was fine.
After a couple months of cashing out once or twice a month, I was laid off from work due to COVID-19, so I had A LOT more free time. I decided to try some of the bigger reward offers. I was cashing out a couple of dollars a day... and the cash outs were happening within 2-3 hours. "AWESOME!" I thought.
I can do this while waiting for unemployment, which had already been about 2 months waiting. Our savings depleted, we were in very hard times, so my family was literally surviving off whatever I could gain online. I decided if we were going to make it, I was going to have to go for the big offers. That's where this site fails.
The biggest reward to financial investment ratio they have are games. I am a bit old for that, but I am really good at games. Now these games pay about $10-$20 each, but the catch is that you have to make a financial investment in order to complete the task requirements in time. On almost all of them, you can achieve that with a $0.99 investment, but only for the first hour or so of playtime. Then grind away for 3-5 days at some atrocious ripoff of some other boring game. All major online earnings sites do it, but usually cash out time frames range from a few days to a few weeks, they had made mine in about 30-90 minutes usually. So I began a few big ones. I completed an 8 dollar one the day after I started it (total playtime under 1 hour - $1.08 for the in game purchase) 7 bucks an hour... half minimum wage, but we would survive.
I had about 7 different offers going as you have a lot of downtime in each one. I had used the pay from the first to buy the in game items for the next 7. I completed one for $6 and one for $13 back to back, went to cash out, it spent days pending, then was returned to my balance and so I checked my account status, temporarily blocked from cashing out... so I sent a message to support, the next day I checked, no reply, now my account was banned. I had spent every penny we had, I gave up my meals to the wife and kids for the remainder of the time waiting for unemployment, (which was only 4 days) since that was my mistake by trusting these people. I almost died, everyone has lost faith in me and all because I tried hard. I can tell you from experience, there are some great ones out there, but steer clear of!
Rennen alsof het een plaag is hun veronderstelde adviserende personeel
Zijn er alleen maar op uit om je te overdrijven. Uitstellen is er een voor
De boeken omdat het gewoon verhalen van excuses zijn, plechtig aanbevelen "Leins -- felders", ze zijn bedreven in het terugkrijgen van alles