Very funny videos, most not too long. My favorite is still the landlady one with the little girl. The videos might be amateur or professionally produced. You can rate how funny you think something is, which is why it's called funny or die. Vote die if you don't like it and want it to go away.
If you set it to the animal house channel, it will play hilarious dog/cat/bear/monkey videos for hours. Productivity is overrated, but dogs riding lawn mowers are definitely not.
Everytime I remember to visit this website, whether it's to get my fill of Will Arnett, to see what happens when Matthew McConaughey can't get his shirt off, or to watch James Franco (underratedly funny) impersonate Justin Bobby from the Hills, I end up completely worshipping it. Most things here are hits rather than misses.
This site tells us what's funny - We all like to think that we have a sense of humor, but clearly it's inferior to Will Ferrell, the God of comedy's all-knowing sense. Add to that Adam McKay, one of SNL's best writers, and that should be enough to convince anyone that this site is great. Getting an approval that an amateur video is funny from them would be like being knighted by the queen of funnyland. It's like when you go to the video store, and they have employee's picks for movie rentals (but who really cares what the guy who makes minimum wage at a boring job thinks?). In this case, you've got Ferrell, McKay, and some other people who must be funny to hang with them making picks for their top videos. In addition, we the lowly viewers get to vote for the quality of hilarity after each viewing, making us feel important and letting us see if the public agrees with the comic Gods. What you've got here is a revolutionary, visionary site that should help anyone pass their time in a cheerful, favorable way.
The feature I like the best about this site is the metered response below the videos. It gives people a chance to see how their peers feel about each video. This is a good site for funny videos.