Often times people want to find information online to determine whether or not they really have a flu virus. The main issue is determining whether or not it is appropriate to make an appointment with your physician. This website has a very good self evaluation program where you answer health questions and the site directs you to seek further evaluation, seek immediate treatment, etc... If you are unsure whether or not to see a doctor and you are looking for information online about the flu virus, this is very good self assessment tool.
I came down with what I thought was the flu and used this site to help evaluate my condition. Turned out to be more of a cold than a flu and I saved myself an expensive trip to the doctor where all they would have done is tell me to go home and rest.
Seems like a second wave of the H1N1 is coming around. Good site and thank you for those who pointed out this site for me to figure out that I did not have the H1N1 flu.
Great work done for providing the details of flu as accepted and disbursed by cdc, United States of America
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