Here at five book you can easily and quickly order any book from many publishers. And the main feature: the largest selection and nice prices. For me, there were nice discounts and bonuses for a regular customer. I advise.
I'm a sucker for good book recommendations. I'm always looking for them. The trouble is, I don't have a lot of time to read, and there aren't many books I actually like. Five Books offers a remedy of sorts--it tries to find clever people and asks them to recommend books about a subject on which they are meant to be expert.
For example, here's Jeremy Greenstock on diplomacy:
My critique is that the execution thus far is only so-so. They don't have the best people in most subjects (who wants book recommendations from B+ writers or politicians!) and often they don't seem to ask the right questions. For example, economist Tyler Cowen is not asked about his top 5 books on understanding macroeconomics, but rather he is asked for his top 5 books on "information" which seems a bit vague and not to be his real area of expertise.
Overall, neat idea, some good content, but I hope they get better. I need more books to read.