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There is no doubt that Ivacy is one of the best VPN providers in the industry for its advanced VPN features like split-tunneling, kill switch, ad-censorship, security protections, etc. and 5-star customer services. Originally, the network conditions of our office were quite awful as the ISP hijacked DNS queries to place pop-ups and ads to our browsers, which, in fact gave us issues and troubles more than you could imagine. For instance, some pop-ups came with viruses, some ads used falsified campaigns to scam us by acting as "Download" buttons to spread ad-ware, and some simply redirected our traffics to phishing sites. Complaints to ISP did not work as they did not acknowledge the above unethical acts. While we were in quite depression, one of our friends persuaded us to give Ivacy a try. Then I navigated to Ivacy and asked on the Live Chat to see if solutions were available to our issues.

Date of experience: June 12, 2017