Has all most modern security solutions integrated.
Browser security, IP detection, 2-Factor Authentication, not mentioning other basic securities which are a must for all modern web-services.
Team responds to all requests in their public messenger channel.
Support is factical not formal unlike quite a number other particular Exchanges, where only bot is integrated to cover only a portion of questions from users.
The exchange's user interface is friendly, excellent for beginner traders (novice) and the support system is of quality and quick to respond and quick withdrawals. Very legit site!
Answer: Very easy and fast... They also have telegram support group called@excoincial.
Answer: The exchange's user interface is friendly, excellent for beginner traders.
Answer: Yes... Like Binance.com and Huobi.com The exchange's user interface is friendly, excellent for beginner traders (novice) and the support system is good.