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Yet another venue for video gaming news and culture, Escapist magazine has a bit more of a claim to being the best of a big bunch because it won a Webby, back in 2008. And it's a huge, sprawling site with a great deal of news, reviews and other gaming content, including a magazine in there somewhere with several columnists and a comic and movie clips and a forum and plenty of reader comment.

Membership is optional, but signing up allows you to "enter contests, post comments, and simply be a more awesome person." No guarantees on that last one, though, I guess.

It tended to be a bit slower than I would like on my old laptop, but considering most of the pages are three to four screens deep, I can live with that.

Anyway, you've got to like it, just for the name.

Date of experience: October 15, 2010
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Joined the discussion forum for general chat some loser goes and make irrelevant comments comments were totally off topic this little loser actually not only was talking about toast and saying spam bot even after the fact NCO public law ***** who the hell does the little geeks don't know $#*! about nothing then the dude tries to go and ban from the forums when it states in the policies not to ever discuss anything off topic they were all off topic who the hell does escapist think they are?

Date of experience: May 20, 2022
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Great content
November 30, 2018

The Escapist provides some great gaming related content which I am always happy to read or watch. I especially enjoy their video game reviews.

Date of experience: November 28, 2018