As expected from convicted fraudster and lying snake, Kent Hovind has produced this website that spouts logical fallacies and abuses legitimate scientific data all in the name of the 'young earth' cult. He cherry-picks information that agrees with his bullsh*t theories and then claims it is scientific. This is not how science works and if you believe this idiot's trash shame on you! This website should be shut down!
Great website on Creation. God is the One who made EVERYTHING! - Dr. Dino has done all the research on Creation. If you ever want to know anything about how and when God created it is here. Or if not a link to another website!
Full of creationist bull$#*! that has little to no scientific arguments, straw-man arguments, misrepresents evolution, and IGNORES every single piece of evidence we have ever found.
Kent Hovind, someone who got their 'degree' gotten from a non-credited 'university,' which was in Christian studies or something similar, apparently became the world's foremost authority on biology, astronomy, abiogenisis, and everything under the sun. Note how only -one- thing there actually has to do with the Theory of Evolution. Kent Hovind is also currently spending time in jail for tax fraud-showing just how much of a liar he is.
What's worse, however, is that his SON is continuing his horrible work, often mimicking his
Father, including his bull$#!% about how to date the earth, we should look at the youngest piece of evidence.
If you want to make yourself dumber, or fracture your skull with repeated face-palms, watch this. And if you believe this crap, shame on you.
Religious indoctrination poorly masquerading as a scientific and factual. MrDino (Kent Howind) himself is a convicted, tax evading spousal abuser. His "Dr" title comes from unrecognised "university". If you want to avoid biblical level brain washing (pun intended) avoid this website.
If you are undecided about God and his creation please check out Dr. Dino. We spent 2 days it was great!
It has a great library of books containing the facts on science.