The developers of Django, the finest of web application development frameworks, have spent a lot of time pondering the best practices that go into making websites great. Forged in a fast-paced newsroom environment, Django helps the developer walk the tightrope over having to get work done and needing that work to be of very high quality. It often does this with elegance.
It should come as no surprise that the home of the global Django community is built with the values of that community. Like any great website the layout both looks great and conveys meaning how well information is placed and can be easily accessed. The same information is presented in multiple ways for the advanced Django developer or the newbie, and it is clear for both visitors where to get this information. I do find for some of the more obscure topics that it is easier to search the site through a search engine that to try to navigate down six or seven levels of links.
All in all, I have watched this website and its product evolve over the years from a site that was initially pretty good. Django is a great developer tool and its community's home is a great example of how to build a user-centered, information-packed website.
They always keep up to date versions as well as tutorials and examples.
Very helpful for self starters.