This forum/community setup is modern, sleek and just all around awesome!
It's easy to follow, setup, looks fantastic and if you're the owner/moderator, you'll love the spam filter. You can set it up for private membership/invitation only or any one to sign up.
As the owner, you can set it up for various themes, colors and design it for any category. It's so much better than that tire old bland looking sites you see all over the place!
The best part, Discourse if FREE! Yup the software is free, you'll have to figure out how to set it up though. The initial setup is a bit tricky, if you're doing it yourself reason why I'm giving it 4 stars vice 5.
The good news is there are hosting sites that did all the leg work for you and you can just pay them as little as $20 a month to host. I will review a few of those sites. If you're using a discourse hosting site, the process is so easy a child can do it! ;)