For all current and ex-cubicle workers and office drones Dilbert ( is a breath of well aimed insanity that pokes a sharp point into the inanities of modern business and management practices. For those of us struggling to work from home it's a great reminder of why it might not be such a good thing to go back into the daily grind of office politics. I swear I used to work with some of the characters. One of the few cartoons that often manages to raise a smile... You can also sign up to get a daily cartoon emailed to you.
I don't have a lot of pleasurable experience at my work and reading dilbert is one of the few times where I can actually stand being there. His take on the office life is so true and funny that is has be howling in my cube. I swear being in middle management is the fifth circle of hell, so this lets me have just a little bit of heaven.
Very pleasant shop and helpful sellers. What is captivating is that you can choose as long as you like before buying. For "beginners" this is a very valuable moment, especially when the "beginner" is a child who finds it very difficult to make a decision))
Awesome. I really love Dilbert. Found this site, there are a lot more toys that I can possibly collect. I have no hesitation about their products.
Hello, guys, I would like to show my appreciation for your service. Thanks to you I have a lot of positive emotions while reading.
Thanks to you guys I have a lot of interesting and funny stuff to read and laugh at this holiday season.
The humor of Scott Adam's Dilbert is just the way I like it, and I'm superbly satisfied that I found this website!
I really love Dilbert. Just found out that there are a lot more toys that I can possibly collect.