I've been a loyal customer of Despair, Inc. for over 10 years. I order calendars as gifts for my clients and placed this year's order in late November, 2018 and this was immediately acknowledged, assuring shipping in a week or so. The middle of December approaches and I send them an email to their customer service with no reply. I try calling what is supposed to be a live number to no avail. It takes messages that are not returned. I try another number listed through Hoover's Inc and it seems to be an individual's phone number. Now I have disappointed clients, no calendars and it's January 2019.
Appalling! Build-it-yourself Despair calendar looked good, but they took my money & the calendar didn't arrive in past month. The "tracking number" doesn't work outside of the US (I am in Australia) and the website form to enter queries did not 'send'. How are they still in business?
Never received my order. No response from their customer service. Contacted twice. Ignored twice. Absolutely awful.
My partner and I have bought from Despair every Christmas for years in a row. No more. They're a Disgrace.
Never again.
I love the stuff for the guys in my life but I won't order from them again. I ordered for Christmas last year and received the wrong stuff in time to late before Christmas to return it. I still haven't received the book I ordered and they keep telling me I will get it when it comes in.
Depressing and funny t-shirts and gift ideas - Finally -- a site that tells it like it is and puts it on t-shirts, calendars and other great depressingly funny gift ideas. My favorites include the "more people have read this shirt that your blog" t-shirt: http://despair.com/viewall1.html
I also enjoy the failure poster:
I placed an order 14 months ago. Paid a hefty price. Order was acknowledged. No news since. Nothing ever received, no answer to queries. Just a desperate disaster.
The website seems to be a legacy site - not really working other than for suckers to have their money collected.
Took the order and the money but don't respond. Yeah, they look great but not worth the hassle. I'm UK based.
Uniquely different. Must see videos on Teamwork (both 1 and 2)