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This is another site I'm not entirely qualified to review, I guess - wrong gender, no kids, and can't put a shelf up straight, never mind be a craftsperson. But it's still just about a perfect example of a Wordpress blog, so much so that it has recently made it into the Time Magazine Top 50 web sites.

Yes, but it's just a blog. And that's true, no miracles of innovative Web 2 design here and nothing that makes you wish for a faster computer so you can see it work properly. But you know what? It has the perfect design for the job it does, which isn't surprising given that the writer is an interior designer and knows when more adornment is unnecessary.

Aside from being a professional designer, the writer also has six kids and still has the time to put this together. Time Magazine comments along the lines of not hating her for being too perfect. I can see that.

Aside from being an icon of impressive time management, the content of the site is very well chosen, beautifully presented with excellent photography, and I have to say, mainly of interest to moms, which is entirely as it should be. If you're a man and still reading this, I'm sure you'd still be welcome to visit the site - it's feminine, not feminist. But yes, it is feminine and it presents that image consistently enough to have achieved a huge audience and now, national attention. A really well deserved popularity.

Featured in Time Magazine Top 50 web sites, 2010
Featured in Live IT Magazine Top 20 web sites, October 2010

Date of experience: October 8, 2010
New York
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Gabrielle, i really like your blog and your home improving ideas a lot. I bookmarked your website and i follow your shares all the time:)
Can't wait more from you :)

Date of experience: September 16, 2013
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Beautiful outfits to share between mothers and children, whether boys or girls are super original.
Perfect matching clothes

Date of experience: October 2, 2020