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Board track racing, or motordrome or velodrome racing, was a crazy American sport popular in the first two decades of the 20th century. Competitors on motorbikes and various other modes of racing vehicle would dash around a wooden track pitched as high as 60 degrees from horizontal at the corners, leading to amazing speeds and frequent and fatal distasters. It died gradually, as did the competitors and audiences, until the cost and danger led to its eventual obsolescence.

The concept of a relatively high-powered bicycle driven by a 4-stroke gas/petrol engine is back, this time for the modern cyclist more concerned about staying upright on a horizontal road surface and saving money on the daily commute. Enter the Derringer bike, from Los Angeles, a machine capable of up to 180 mpg and a top speed of... well, it depends whether you're going downhill or not. The originals could reach 100 mph or more, as a guide. And the bikes are light and manageable enough to pedal, too, with a freewheel making the transition from internal combustion to person-power a simple matter.

The bikes probably justify the description of 'artworks' since each one is custom-built to order for its owner and no two are alike. If you have to ask the price, you can't afford one. But you can dream.

Board track racing info source:

Date of experience: December 1, 2010