John Deere Agri Services

John Deere Agri Services

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They have been building quality products since 1837. About the only product line they have had that has lemons are their push mowers. Especially the self-propelled mowers. Whether you are buying small equipment like lawn care or large construction or farm equipment the quality is usually very good and they stand behind the equipment with a good dealership network that provides good service.

Pros: Very good quality equipment especially if you buy from a dealership. Service is usually very good. They stand behind their products. Third-party manufacturers of their parts have to follow Deere's standards. Don't expect them to stand behind abused products though. Most of their dealers are too knowledgeable for that. The dealers have after hours service during various harvest seasons if you live in an agricultural area.

Cons: Very pricey but, the quality is usually better than products from other manufacturers. Products sold at Home Depot and Lowe's are usually not as good as the products sold at the dealerships. But, Deere usually stands behind them. Also, in the last 20 years or so a number of the dealerships have been bought by companies that have formed chains of dealerships. Service is often not as good at these chains as they are at Mom and Pop dealerships. Stick with the Mom and Pop dealerships if you can.

Date of experience: September 5, 2017