Dating Script

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For the past 6 months I have tried many other dating scripts that promised many features and fast results. They all fell short in very important ways (and I got hacked). Dating Script was the only script that I could find that did everything I needed and is secure! It is also easy to work with to modify, extend and configure in several ways. Excellent support staff always willing to go the extra mile to help. Highly recommend.

Date of experience: May 17, 2021
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DatingScript is unbeatable
September 3, 2021

DatingScript is undoubtedly one of the best software for dating business on the market. Especially the price and the features that are offered for it, it is actually unbeatable. The script runs very stable, is very flexible and offers many possibilities, this makes the setup a bit complicated. However, all problems with the configuration could be solved with the help of their competent service.

Date of experience: September 3, 2021
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Pleople can write and read hundreds of positive or negative reviews, but what counts finally is the portfolio, the real portfolio of dating websites using a specific script. is a dating & matchmaking website top niche in Romania who is using datingscript.

Make a Page speed test on Google Page Speed Insight for to see and wonder its 100% performance load speed.

We are satisfied. Take a closer look and see if fits your need or not.

Good luck in your dating business.

Date of experience: September 3, 2022
Puerto Rico
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The Datingscript Rock's!
February 14, 2022

The Datingscript is to me, the best Dating software that I have bought and installed. It runs smooth and super fast! I also have contacted support for some minor issues on how to do a few things and the response and service is excellent, prompt and correct! I do recommend Datingscript to those who are looking to start a Dating site!

Date of experience: February 14, 2022
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DSP Dating Software
June 21, 2021

I highly recommend this dating software. It is based on WordPress so really easy to manage and with loads of addons and plugins available. The software is quick and easy to manage through the admin area and the support is second to none! Really first class support!

Date of experience: June 21, 2021
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Demo seems good
August 27, 2021

Used the older version, new script is an improvement. Much cleaner and easier to use. Best thing to do is make sure you thoroughly go through the demo to see if this software fits your needs.

Date of experience: August 27, 2021
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Terrible script. Slow customer service. And, they don't respect their so-called "money back guarantee".

Date of experience: August 10, 2023
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Follow DezNutts N.
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This Script was great when Vlad was the owner of it, lots of updates and new features added, and great support and customer service, but now it has turned into one big cluster.
While the core of the script is great (Vlad and then Ramil did an excellent job) the new owners have really screwed the pooch on this one, the updates cause a lot of issues, features that used to work perfectly now don't work, when you submit a support ticket they always want access to your Cpanel or the site control panel, and they take days to even getting around to even responding, I think they must outsource everything because it doesn't seem they know how to work with the original code and everything they do is some type of workaround parallel code, thank the gods that the previous owner created a well-made site with solid coding, because what these new guys are doing, just isn't cutting it.

The site has a support forum, that the previous owner used a lot to help out people, and would give tips and advice, these new guys do nothing of the sort, they barely post anything in the forum and never give any answers to issues people are having with the script beside telling people to pay for support, if it wasn't for the longtime script owners helping out each other and with the forum still having the post from the original owner people would be up $#*! creek.

So until they fix the issues they are having I can't with clear conscious recommend this script, unless you already have a lot of experience with PHP, and CSS or don't mind hiring a developer to help you out.

Date of experience: September 11, 2023