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Have to say I am pretty impressed. Its not as big as the other DIA website but this new take on dateinasia is great. They actually have customer service and communicate with you and even on the front page it said that all reports are reviewed by a real person. I joined the other DIA and was banned instantly but have never had a problem on this website. It is not as big but I guess all big things come with time. This website will be a winner for sure. And its free as well.

Date of experience: April 20, 2016
New Jersey
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August 14, 2019

Site is free! So don't complain about a solid website which gives u the chance to meet women for free. What's your problme, guys?! Also know what u'r looking for! It is mostly for something serious and long term. Just wanna get laid, use Asianwomen4u for example. Don't be fooled thinkin there are better sites than dateinasia. IMO there are not!

Date of experience: August 13, 2019
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As my review title indicated, I feel I was banned from the site for no reason. THE FOLLOWING IS NOT STATED AS FACT BUT IT IS BASED ON MY CONSIDERED OPIONS: Apparently the site is operated by pseudo-trappist monks or pointy-capped puritans who can't read or, worse, read things into what is written that are not what was intended at all. I'm at a complete loss. I've never been banned from anything or any place and certainly not from any website. Perhaps I was too honest in my assessment of some 3rd party individuals' intentions but to ban someone for that is nothing short of censorship. NO HARM DONE HERE. I'VE JUST LEARNED WHAT A JOKE THIS SO-CALLED DATING SITE IS. GOOD RIDDANCE. I DON'T WANT TO BE ON A WEBSITE RUN BY OVERLY SENSITIVE IDIOTS ANYWAY. WATCH OUT. NO TELLING WHAT THEY'RE DOING WITH ANY INFORMATION YOU MIGHT PROVIDE THEM WITH WHILE THEY PRETEND TO BE 'HOLIER THAN THOU!"

Date of experience: June 28, 2019
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Many people complain about free sites but I like this one. I found my partner on this site so am very thankful for it being free.

Date of experience: April 22, 2016