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How would you rate TOKYO STORM B-Dash?
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Ok sorry but I've never done this before. I paid $35 dollars for the DASH fingurenail polish you know just to try it out the money doesn't matter BUT I'd never recommend the DASH fingurenail polish it is SO bad you put it on your fingures and it runs off your nails I'm pretty sure it's not suppose to all run off your nails like that the cheap polish that you can get at Walmart is better then the DASH and the DASH makeup runs off when your applying also so NO I would NEVER recommend the DASH Beauty Line to anyone!

Date of experience: August 28, 2014
New York
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Mini Pancake grill
July 17, 2021

I bought it at for $5.43 no wonder it was so cheap. I thought it was going to last for a long time.

Date of experience: July 17, 2021