Good site for free fonts - The interface is great -- it shows you all the fonts in great big letters. Also, most free font sites are filled with ads and try to trick you into buying crap. doesn't do that. Net net -- good place to pick up some free fonts.
If you're looking for a font, you'll find it here. Those who need it for work or just for fun, this site is just great. Mind the most of it it's free or at least for personal use, but it's loaded with tones of great fonts. I personally dislike the classified organisation, sometimes I can't really find what I already have in mind, or at least I need a while for it, but I always finish to get something.
I am super happy with this site. User friendly way easy to navigate, FREE which is the only thing in my budget. Found this site via pinterest and needed attention grabbing signs for an event. I was going to uninstall all the fonts after i made the signs but i keep using them for everything.
It's hard to know which download sites are trustworthy. I needed the Bodoni font in a hurry so I checked Dafont on Sitejabber first. Fortunately there was at least one review, from a reputable reviewer so I went for it. In seconds and for gratis, I got what I needed! Dafont also shows you search results of other sites that offer the font (for a fee).
Whenever I needed to create a presentation for my students, I felt like the coolest and modern teacher using modern and elegant fonts. I even saved in a folder all the fonts I've downloaded (in case I lose them for some reason).
It has a lot of fonts options and for free! Which is better for my pocket
Good day! Very pleased, from a large list of fonts, I found the ones that suited me for my work. With a good font, any design looks attractive and the information is appropriate.
While the site does have many fonts available for most of your font needs, the site exerts anti-semitism in the form of not providing Hanukkah fonts while having a plethora of Christmas fonts. They don't even have a font for "dreidel". This alone speaks for how the site is most definitely part of the shadow government and is in kahoots with the overlord of all we do, Tai Lopez. Illuminati is watching everything we do, 666 God save us all!
1/10 not enough Hanukkah.
I am a photographer and part time web designer. I absolutely love this website and recommend it to anyone looking for a variety of fonts to make them stand out.
Do scrapbooking recently and sometimes I use this service for references or just for printing the phrases I need, directly on the printer. Very helpful service was very glad to find it.
Because of its superb support, I definitely love this website and its response time was very quick. Seriously stunning
DaFont has a rating of 3.7 stars from 18 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. DaFont ranks 1st among Fonts sites.