
How would you rate CureDiva?
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They sell items designed to care for someone experiencing traumatic surgery yet their return policy is insensitive, impractical and arduous. Let me explain.

Curediva has a 30 day return policy which starts running when an item is received, even if it is received in advance of surgery. If you decide to make a return, there are many hoops to jump through including calling for pre-approval.

In my mother's case, her items came 2 weeks pre-op which meant she had 2 weeks after her mastectomy to decide whether she needed the items. This was not what she needed to be thinking about in those early weeks! The items were expensive and not needed, so she wanted them returned. When we called for pre-approval, it took over a week to reach an agent. We were successful only after sending an email that we were going to contact the credit card company to reverse the charge.

The experience created tremendous stress for my mother. The gifts were meant to give her comfort, not aggravation.

Date of experience: September 3, 2017
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Where is your website?
September 30, 2017

Your website is not working! How does a person reach someone there? I sent a cancer patient a gift, but only part of it came. I need to talk to someone.

Date of experience: September 30, 2017