Discovering The Creative Exiles was a breath of fresh air. Here known and respected writers, creative short story writers, novelists and poets meet to share their expertise and submit a vast array of posts of top quality content, to satisfy any reader's interest. The content is diverse and stunningly potent, talking about pertinent issues, nature and the human condition with heart and such artful expression that many sites just don't have in any quantity. For anyone interested in good story telling, fine prose and poetry The Creative Exiles is a must visit.
An incredible collection of writers who share years worth of writing experience with every post. There truly is nothing better then an afternoon with a hot cup of coffee and a pleasurable read with every story, poem, or memoir written. The Creative Exiles will become a tradition on my weekends like Baroque music on Sundays.
If Abraham Lincoln were here today and received a complaint about the writing of "The Creative Exiles", he'd probably say... "Read what they are writing and send copies to the Boston Globe and the Washington Post!" In name only are these authors "Exiles". Some of today's finest literary work is being published on this little known, but highly effective website.
I'm always inspired by fellow poets/writers who bring forth their heart and soul through their pens and in a most remarkable, artistic and unique style all of their own. At The Creative Exiles poets breathe the depths of eternity's wells.The poets there reach deep within their souls to find that which touches others in the deepest way both spiritually and emotionally. I rank this site among one of the best selection of poets of our modern times. Be prepared to have your heart and soul strings tugged very hard, from celebrated poets and writers here at TCE.
The Creative Exiles is a great place to write and read. Authors do not have to worry about SEO technical side. We are free to just write our quality pieces and the editor staff reviews posts that need upgrading and take care of the SEO requirements. A great community.
The Creative Exiles writing group brings a broad package to the reader - the quality of the work and the depth of the writer's on their staff is refreshing and amazing. There are new pieces published daily from around the world making the site a can't miss place to be.
This site is a great place to read and write. There are a lot of experienced writers on this site who write everything beautifully.