It use to be that Wednesday was the holiest of days for Comics fans. That was the day we'd all trot down to our local Comics stores to pick up our pulls. When comics were $1.25 each and an annual $1.50 it was an easy and simple way to be entertained.
Now, DC and Marvel books sell for $3.99 and a new title gets introduced for $5.99. All of which makes little to no sense. Artists work on electronic boards and send it to the publisher via the internet. The publisher hands it to an inker or letterer who helps to complete the page before it goes to a colourist. Very few comics are printed and shipped to then be distributed.
Comixology is a site were electronic versions of books are made available. That way, you need never leave home on a Wednesday since the few books you still read can be transferred to your phone, tablet, laptop. So why the high prices? The great mystery of the 21st century.
You can find good qaulity of books and comics for amazing cartoon experience. ONe can really find the qaulity content to read