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The newly updated interface gives this worst alerts and sounds that really makes game play experience horrible. Dice is "set" to be random but most of the time, it only favors one player and makes the other feel terrible. Check the dice stats and you know that is not Gaussian distribution.

Date of experience: January 23, 2023
Simon H. Colonist Rep
over a year old

Hey there Luke. Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review; I'm sorry to hear you had such a negative experience on

First, regarding sounds, I encourage you to lower the volume or even mute alerts and in-game sounds via the button in the top left corner of the in-game screen. As to the dice distribution, while I understand that it can often feel like the die is favoring one player or another, I can assure you that over a long enough period of time, the rolls will resemble a Gaussian distribution. If you would like to learn more about how our dice are programmed, Jeff wrote a great blog post on the topic:

I hope these suggestions will improve your experience with Colonist. Have a great day!

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I recommend to strategy gamers, especially Settlers of Catan fans. Whether you want a solo challenge or to compete with others, it's a great way to play the game online.

Date of experience: February 16, 2023
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Follow Ellie Grech T.
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Love this game!
December 15, 2022

Thanks to Colonist, me and friends were able to Catan online. We don't need to set up a board and now Colonist is part of our Friday game night. Thank you! We can't wait for the mobile app!

Date of experience: December 14, 2022
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Follow Jake T.
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- If you leave a game or lose connection, it's impossible to come back and also impossible to join another game
- Every game ends with a score of 10 vs 3 vs 3 vs 3. I'm not saying people will purposefully throw their own chances of winning to make sure their friend moves up in rank, but that's exactly what happens. Everyone wants to ruin your game, it's not worth even playing ranked.
- Trade system is overly complicated and designed to make you misclick. Trading is important, it's one thing you don't want to misclick, that's why the accept and decline button move rapidly and are never in the same place.
- There is no preview to the game you're joining, you have no idea if it's a crazy map that's really complicated with all of your least favorite settings or not, and again, you cannot leave
- You cannot delete your account or start over, so if you leave a game on accident and have bad 'karma' you're account is pretty much ruined forever and there's no way to ever play Catan online again because it's linked to your google

I don't know who made this, but this has been the worst game UI I've ever seen in 20+ years of game design experience, well done.

Date of experience: March 17, 2023
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November 17, 2022

This game is really cool. I didn't expect it at first but I really enjoyed a lot. My brother likes this type of game so I'll recommend it to him :)

Date of experience: November 16, 2022
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Bad site connection
February 12, 2024

Terrible connection. It is lost every time. Not possible to play. But game is perfect. So play offline.

Date of experience: February 12, 2024
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November 17, 2022

This one is good, you should try it. Just try not to get too addicted and forget you have other things to do, lol jk

Date of experience: November 17, 2022