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Best Kpop Shop to buy your fav's merch at!
December 31, 2020

ChoiceMusicLA has been a store I've constantly gone back to purchase Kpop merchandise for the past 4 years. My first purchase was through their website and I remember how quickly I received my items. Also to mention, they have really good customer service and I've even met the guys who run the store in person twice now! The staff at their Los Angeles store are great too, I would recommend to visit sometime (post-pandemic…) Other things to note about this shop is that they fairly price their items and the albums that you buy are counted into the Korea official record charts! They also have lots of products you will most likely find stuff from your favs! (Even have Korean drama merchandise)

P.S. they also do multiple giveaways on their Instagram so be sure to check them out and give them a follow!@choicemusicla

I vlogged my last interaction with them and you can check my video starting at 3:58 :)

Date of experience: December 31, 2020