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I run 3 online jewelry websites and had never heard of 'conversion theft' or malware affecting the browsers of my customers. So we ran a 1month test with Brandlock to measure the impact via an A/B test. Honestly, I was quite surprised to learn that ~12% of our customers were being bombarded with ads from my competitors, often offering pricing deals beyond what I was. (we also use Hotjar, so I was able to 'see' much of this via the eyes of my customers). In terms of real results, we measured a 359% CR increase on infected users and a 11% CR overall. The net result was an 11% bump to our revenue. Solid. And to achieve all of this, it took us a matter of 15min to install Brandlock w/in our Magento Enterprise stores. (it's 1 line of JS.)

Date of experience: March 13, 2018