A game scientifically shown to make you smarter
I have given this game a go and found it really interesting. Might be something others might like to give a go. The quotes below are referenced to this page: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/brain-workshop-game-scientifically-shown-smarter/
"Improve your working memory and fluid intelligence by playing a game. This isn't some vapid marketing claim; it's the result of various scientific tests.
"Brain Workshop, a free game you can install on Linux, Window and Mac machines, creates the exact circumstances of an activity shown in three different academic studies to improve one's short-term memory and problem solving skills.
"Fluid intelligence measures how people adapt to new situations and solve problems they've never seen before. Fluid intelligence differs from crystallized intelligence, which takes into account skills and knowledge that have been acquired — like vocabulary, grammar and math".