I acquired this book as a used copy at a TN thrift store a few years ago, it looked interesting. As I started reading it, I found I could not put it down, it was like a great detective novel and I read it in 2 days. Now I realize with what is happening in our world circa 2020 and going forward is being handled all wrong ON PURPOSE.
It's all entertainment … Republicans vs. Democrats, red vs. blue, right vs. left, Trump vs. Biden, … There really is no difference. Both factions pursue nearly identical policies for America and now the world. The ENTERTAINMENT is to keep the masses from seeing the real problems that are happening in plain sight.
This book needs to be shared as a pdf so that everyone in the world can read it and stop the current madness before it's too late!
Since I don't have the pdf to make available to everyone, here is a link (copy paste) to read it online for yourself and anyone you care about.