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North Carolina
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November 2, 2022

This site is one of the best learning sites ever. Kids can create their own question sets, and have fun with their friends. My friend told me the other day that he barely knew anything about what the subject was about, but then he found a blooket set on what we were learning and ended up getting an A on a test about it. 5 out of 5. Perfect for learning. Definitely recommend this to teachers who want to make learning fun.

Date of experience: November 2, 2022
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Blooket is a game version for an assessment tool. Though I do not recommend using only this to assess your students. It will give you a hard score and tell you exactly which questions your students were missing or getting right. If you purchase the inexpensive ($37/year) membership, you get your students more tokens which they can use to purchase more "blooks" which the kids love collecting. It also allows you to copy a quiz set and adapt it to meet your students needs.

Though I think students can rush through questions in order to win the game which isn't always an accurate depiction of what they know. It does allow me to identify if a student really knows a topic or doesn't. There are multiple game types students can play so students never get bored of this game. The game type "Classic" is exactly like "kahoot" with one really helpful tool. Unlike Kahoot, blooket has the question being asked for the student on their screen rather than needing to be in position to see the question then answer.

The reason I love this product so much is that for my lower academic students. On a week where they are just struggling and don't want to produce work. They will play this game and rather than giving a zero, I can grade something. For the most part has brought up my lower students.

The one thing I does have is some pretty major glitches that can be frustrating, mostly during the mid afternoon time period. I thing the system has too many people on at the same time and cannot handle the load. I don't think this is bad enough not to use regularly however.

Date of experience: May 15, 2023
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Blooket physically took my wife and kids, also all of my possesions, I cant get them back until I am unbanned or Blooket is banned

Date of experience: May 18, 2023