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The perfect example of a women's magazine that men don't want to be caught reading but read anyway, in the forlorn hope of understanding women better, is unashamedly for women only and has been recognized by Forbes as one of the top websites for women. Not bad for a product that's only been around for a couple of years.

Being a man, I probably shouldn't be rating this one. And of course, I only glanced at it briefly, I mean, I wouldn't actually spend a lot of time here. Even if there did happen to be a series of photos of Jennifer Aniston only barely dressed, on an inside page. Which I just happened to stumble on, so I mean it's not as if I were intentionally looking for them, or anything.

Anyway, all the regular women's magazine features are here, celeb news, relationship advice, fashion, blogs, and a lot of shiny photography decked out with lipstick colors. There's even a page of "mean betty" in which the writers pick various celebs to have a go at each week. All done in the best possible taste, of course, and to a higher standard than you might expect.

It's clearly found its niche and it fills it admirably. If you're looking for something like this, you'll be hard pressed to find anything more like this than this.

Date of experience: September 27, 2010