These guys have talked me into taking their work three separate times. I dropped them for non payment each time. This time for not paying for over 120 days, I threatened to sue them and the customer. They immediately agree to pay (near $1000. 00) but said they would have to take me off their vendor list. I am going to lose sleep over that! I had already told them for the last time to take me off the list and told my crew not to accept any Bass work again.
They value being the Walmart if price for their end user by skirting payments to their subs.
Their systems constantly go down and if you do not jump through hoops, they don't pay, no matter how satisfied their end user is with your work.
Run The Other Way!
I have worked for these people for a number of years and I cannot remember ever getting paid on time. This company is a one-stop company for your facility maintenance, including locksmith work. Another locksmith I know will not work for this company. I wouldn't be surprised if most locksmiths refused this kind of work. If you own business, it is best to work directly with a service provider, not a middle man. On the last job I completed, I had to go out, check the broken lock, call Bass, have them send a new lock. This takes too much time. I ended up getting paid more than the job should have been. IT IS FOOLISH TO USE SUCH A COMPANY!