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November 30, 2021

We had ordered our bankruptcy through a different company, and they would not send the whole file, stating it was to big. The attorney we used won't return calls, the courthouse wanted us to mail a money order. We needed our records in 10 minutes to save our closing on our new home. Thank you for saving our day! We will forever be thankful to you.

Date of experience: November 30, 2021
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I paid $155 for a specific bankruptcy report, provided the case number, and because it was pre-2000, paid a premium for a complete records search. After waiting and never hearing back from them, I enquired and finally received a reply that my bankruptcy request was "too old." No mention of a refund or partial refund. I would NEVER recommend this business.

Date of experience: January 9, 2024
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February 5, 2021

You pay $15 for what looks like a complete list of discharge paperwork and all it sends you is 2 pages that basically just shows the date your bankruptcy was discharged. It also doesnt give you any kind of summary of what your purchasing before it charges your card. Asked them for a refund since i didn't really want to purchase anything i thought i was going to see a cart or summary confirming what i was purchasing and before i knew it had already charged my card. They replied very rudely and basically said i'm out of luck.

Date of experience: February 5, 2021
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I ordered my bankruptcy records online at and got them in a few hours. But even better than that, they offered to send my records to the mortgage company for me. What could have been a two week process was a two hours process! They are awesome!

Date of experience: February 26, 2017
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I have some issues with my memories and this diagnosis I got couple of years ago. I recently decided to found a new company because my old one didn't bring me profits and I liquidated it. However, when i came to the accounter and local tax residence, they told me that I was bankrupted ten years ago. As I had issues with memory I didn't understand anything. They told me that I couldn't open new business until I provide them with documents that nowadays i have a better financial condition. I checked information about my bankruptcy via this website. It's pretty useful for such people like me.

Date of experience: February 12, 2022
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I had been told by everyone including my attorneys rhatbmy bankripty record no longer existed. U.S. Record found them! I would have given 5 stars but it took over a week to get them. Thank you! You saved me thousands of dollars!

Date of experience: September 18, 2017
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December 1, 2022

I'm so impressed with the clerk that helped us find old bankruptcy records that we couldn't find anywhere, and holding up the closing of our home. So helpful

Date of experience: November 30, 2022
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I had never been ask for this in the US before, however it is starting to be customary when doing business out side the US now.

Date of experience: July 8, 2024
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I didn't keep my bankruptcy file. I'm so glad there's a website that keeps them. A def thumbs up for sure

Date of experience: November 16, 2020