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Have received my order and was surprised to get absolutely diffrent model then I've actually ordered.
I received the bag which isn't the model of school bag/rucksac I've chosen as per provided pictures on the web-site.
Have never get any feedback or refund.

Date of experience: August 26, 2019
1 review
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If you're like me, you've seen the worst when it comes to laundry wash bags: drawstring styles that come open in the washer spilling your stuff everywhere; bags with metal zippers that snag your delicates (and rust!); mesh bags with holes so large that bra straps escape and hook onto other clothes; and sectioned bags where the sections never seem to be the right size for what you need to wash. Ack! Seems like I've tried them all, with "no joy."

But it was a joy to receive these well-made wash bags from Bagail. How did I miss these before? They're very well made, come in a set of great sizes and they come in happy colors. First, the mesh is very tiny. I've spent the past week giving these bags a workout, and no bra has "busted out" of its bag, and no hooks have escaped to do their damage to other clothes. Happy day. The edges are rolled a couple of times before sewing, so they're nice and sturdy. The colorful zippers are plastic, with a metal head that's encased in an easy-to-grab plastic tab so it won't rust or snag your delicates. I'm very happy with the quality build and performance of these bags.

I used a larger sized bag to wash a new sweater I received last week. It was a cardigan that features delicate beading and sequins on the front, and I was a little apprehensive about washing it in the machine. I trusted it to one of these bags and the sweater came through the wash just fine... all decorations intact, thanks to the bag's fine mesh.

The range of sizes in this set is great to cover your average washday needs: 2 small bags for bras, undies, socks, nylons, etc.; 2 medium for shirts, sweaters, etc., and a really large one for bulkier items... OK, so I used this one to wash my dog's toys when they had been left out in the rain. Again, everything came out great! No lost eyes, squeakers, or the other tiny parts that usually detach when you wash them.

So these bags passed every test I threw at them, and I'm sure they'll last me quite a while. I'm very happy with the quality and the value. And isn't that the bottom line?

Date of experience: April 11, 2017