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Military Equipment Recognition Defence Information Database

For frontline serving men and women in the armed forces recognition of enemy equipment as well as friendly kit is an essential skill are those enemy vehicles (if so, what type, what armament, how many, what direction) or are they 'friendly'? Correct identification and reporting can save lives yours and those of 'friendly' units.

During the first Gulf War gung-ho American A10 pilots managed to kill 11 US Marines and and 9 British soldiers in two separate 'blue on blue / friendly fire' incidents. Sadly, similar incidents have continued to occur in Iraq and Afghanistan, despite improved IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) electronics and communication networks. Better basic recognition skills might have helped prevent all these tragedies. offers an extensive database of all the main NATO, Russian / Soviet and Chinese kit that most armed forces personnel are likely to come across. There are data sheets and descriptions on each piece of equipment, and a good selection of photos.

The website covers recent defence equipment news, trade shows and has up to date information on the defence forces and equipment of most countries. A lot of the African information is in French, but the NATO codes are usually standard and it is fairly easy to decipher even if your French isn't fluent.

Good for recognition training purposes and for information briefings.

Interesting website if you need this sort of stuff.

Date of experience: October 12, 2011