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If you are in the market for any type of Android products, is the place to be! This website offers thorough, complete reviews of all Android products, and leaves no stone unturned until its readers' questions have been answered. The writing style used in all the articles is easy to read and understand and authoritative. Of all the Android-centric websites on the Internet, I consider this one to be the very best. It is also quite easy to navigate and understand. I highly recommend for all things Android.

Date of experience: April 24, 2018
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Unusable due to ads
September 15, 2022

I was attempting to read an article about putting Windows on a Chromebook and at first it wasn't too bad, then I scrolled down about a quarter of the way and there was now an unclosable mini player that never stopped playing ads, a banner ad across the bottom of the screen, and periodic ads in the middle of the article that took up basically the whole screen. So far though that's about average sadly for article based websites save for the mini player not closing. The part that made it unusable was that about a third of the way through the article, as it was finally getting to the relevant part and out of the fluff intro, I tried to scroll only to be yanked up to the top of the page to see, you guessed it, an ad so naturally I figured it was a bug having to do with a new video starting in the top screen player, so I scrolled back to where I was and the same thing happened I tried a total of 3 times before I said screw it and went elsewhere to find information.

Date of experience: September 15, 2022