Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

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July 28, 2022

Knowledge. This course will help me in
Defining Data Science, understanding how
SQL could potentially impact our business
And industry, to write a thought leadership
Piece regarding use cases and industry
Potential of Data Science, explain Data
Science to clients, friends, joining a
Community of economists, business leaders,
Entrepreneurs, and technologists that are
Shaping this technology as we speak.

I am confident that attending this course will
Provide me with the skill and knowledge I
Seek. I intend to pursue a master's degree in
Human Resources Management soon, and
Completing this course will help me get
Closer to that goal by providing me with the
Knowledge I'll need when I start my
Postgraduate studies.
Knowledge. This course will help me in
Defining Data Science, understanding how
SQL could potentially impact our business
D industry, to write a thought leadership
Piece regarding use cases and industry
Potential of Data Science, explain Data
Science to clients, friends, joining a
Community of economists, business leaders,
Entrepreneurs, and technologists that are

S technology as we speak.

I am confident that attending this course will
Provide me with the skill and knowledge I
Seek. I intend to pursue a master's degree in
Human Resources Management soon, and
Completing this course will help me get
Al by providing me with the

Knowledge I'll need when I start my

Date of experience: July 28, 2022