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Diesel Schools
April 8, 2018

This site gives a listing of diesel schools available within an area. You just input the where and receive an output. Pretty simple. Im former military so all the education i wanted and needed to go through i took with me into the civilian sector in order to maximize greater potential of success the least resistant path like electricity or a lightning bolt from above into ground. Its no longer one shot one kill. Its increase business education and education of Self to keep future Generations alive and well from being violently killed. So its real chess day in and night out with us as some have kids or plan on having kids... me im just a soulful soldier for our Cause and Effect. Sacrifices lead to Selflessness which is one of the principles of LEADERSHIP of which i created for me. I rather be real to my Self and stay true and take that stand of who i am than fall for anything. And i thrive on positivity and the gains which are fruits from the positives.. rite and business education is critical and a positive mindset is a terrible asset of a downtrodden or striving indigenous person to waste. Being a handy man also helps me to be a better trucker cause DOT is no joke. My positive thoughts exactly. LEADERSHIP. Peace in.

Date of experience: April 8, 2018